I am in an Entrepreneurship class in which I am learning a ton.
In the course of the class we have learned many of the basic steps to come up
with a business idea, validate it, and then take it to the market.
The first step is to identify a pain point, something that is an
irritation or pain to customers. A big pain point that one of the members of my
group mentioned, is scrapping off the ice on your windshield in the mornings.
So we ran with it. We came up with the idea of a car cover that
would prevent ice from forming on your windshield, preventing one from staying
out in the cold scraping ice, freezing their hands off.
My team after doing basic market research (asking people).
We found that for people to be interested in such a cover, it would have easy to put on and off. After thinking of many possible solutions, and
adjusting those ideas we came up with two models.
The Sheet Model & The Accordion Model
Both models use magnets to cover your windshield. The difference
is in the putting on and taking off of the products. One can be wrapped
up while the other is folded.
The thing that I have learned the most from the class is that any
business it is all about your customers and what they want. Too many
companies spend millions of dollars in resources and time, in developing products that
people don't want. They could have known if their product would have
satisfied their customers if they would have done one simple thing - ask them.
Most businesses fail, but if you fail fast and fail often, you
will eventually find your golden goose.
That is what I learned the most from this class.
But hey? What do you think? Would you rather use the sheet
model or the accordion model?
I am probably not going to take this idea to market, but I would
still love to hear what you have to say, so click on the link and tell me what
you think.